Report concerns

Hours of Employment

13 & 14 Year Olds

Term Time- Maximum 12 hours per week

Day Times children may work Maximum Hours
Monday to Friday 1 hour before school (after 7am) 
and 1 hour after school (before 7pm)
2 hours after school (before 7pm)
2 hours
Saturday Between 7am and 7pm 5 hours
Sunday Between 7am and 7pm 2 hours

School Holidays - Maximum 25 hours per week

Days Times children may work Maximum Hours
Monday to Friday Between 7am and 7pm 5 hours
Saturday  Between 7am and 7pm 5 hours
Sunday Between 7am and 7pm 2 hours


15 & 16 Year Olds

Term Time- Maximum 12 hours per week

Day Times children may work Maximum Hours
Monday to Friday 1 hour before school (after 7am) 
and 1 hour after school (before 7pm)
2 hours after school (before 7pm)
2 hours
Saturday Between 7am and 7pm 8 hours
Sunday Between 7am and 7pm 2 hours

School Holidays - Maximum 35 hours per week

Days Times children may work Maximum Hours
Monday to Friday Between 7am and 7pm 8 hours
Saturday  Between 7am and 7pm 8 hours
Sunday Between 7am and 7pm 2 hours



1. Morning working times and Sunday working times may vary with different local authorities. Contact the Local Authority in whose area the work takes place to be sure you are adhering to the regulations correctly

2. Children must have 1 hours break after 4 hours continuous work.